讲座名称:Power Allocation for Multipair Massive MIMO Full-Duplex Relay Systems with Low-Resolution ADCs
讲座时间:2019-08-05 16:00:00
褚晓理2001年7月于西安交通大学电子与信息工程集团获得工学学士,2005 年11月在香港大学获得博士学位,2009年11月在伦敦大学国王集团获得学术实践研究生证书。褚晓理是IEEE 的高级成员,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 以及 IEEE Communications Letters 的编辑,英国 EPSRC 评审集团成员。褚晓理主要从事于无线通信系统、异构网络、协作通、信与网络等方面的研究, 是 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (June 2014) 绿色移动多媒体通信的客座编辑,多次担任重大会议的联合主席,发表了 70 多篇同行评议期刊和会议论文。
Massive MIMO and full-duplex (FD) relaying are both key enabling technologies for 5G/B5G wireless communications. In this talk, we look into the feasibility of using low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) at multipair FD relay stations with massive antenna arrays. The main challenge lies in that the quantization noise generated by low-resolution ADCs will be exacerbated by the powerful loop interference in FD relaying. More specifically, we analyse the spectral- and energy-efficiency of a multipair FD decode-and-forward relay system with low-resolution ADCs. Based on the mathematical analysis, we propose a novel iterative power allocation scheme to maximize the end-to-end achievable rate by adjusting the per-link transmit power at the relay while mitigating the impact of the quantization noise. Our numerical results show that using FD relaying with the proposed power allocation scheme improves the system throughput and energy efficiency significantly.