讲座名称:Tomographic and quantitative flow imaging using laser speckles
讲座人:陈南光 副教授
讲座地点:腾讯会议直播(ID:748 451 364)
Laser speckle imaging (LSI) has been an indispensable tool for in vivo imaging of blood flow in biological tissues. However, conventional LSI techniques can only detect relative flow changes instead of quantify absolute flow velocities. In addition, they are limited to 2D mapping of superficial flow distributions. Recently we have developed two advanced LSI methods for improved imaging performance. The first method is implemented on top of a line-scan confocal microscope. The backscattered light is detected with a line camera at the confocal position. The acquired line speckle patterns are analyzed to retrieve the maps of correlation time and flow velocity. In vivo image experiments with chick embryos have demonstrated the depth selectivity, high spatial resolution for visualizing blood flow in the microvasculature, and high temporal resolution for dynamic flow quantification. The second method is termed light-sheet laser speckle imaging (LSH-LSI), which takes advantage of the intrinsic optical sectioning capability of selected plane illumination. Intensity autocorrelation analysis, particle image velocimetry (PIV), and other image processing methods have been applied to the raw images from zebrafish models to generate tomographic images of blood vasculature, scalar velocity distribution, and vector velocity destruction.