讲座名称:6G vision for 2030+
讲座人:Rahim Tafazolli 教授
讲座地点:腾讯会议直播(ID:855 170 735 密码:123456)
Rahim Tafazolli是萨里大学移动通信方向教授,通信系和 5G&6GIC 研究所所长。 他从事移动通信领域研究工作 30 余年,发表学术论文500余篇。Tafazolli教授现任多家移动公司的技术顾问,曾多次在IET和IEEE相关研讨会上发表主题演讲、主持并受邀担任主讲人。他曾担任欧盟移动平台专家组 (e-mobility SRA)主席和电动汽车Post-IP工作组主席,曾任WWRF WG3主席,在移动通信领域享誉国内外。此外,他还是IET和WWRF(无线世界研究论坛)的研究员。2018年5月,Tafazolli教授被任命为电子工程领域的Regius教授,以表彰他在过去30年中对数字通信技术的杰出贡献。
The University of Surrey announced the launch of its 6th Generation Innovation Centre (6GIC) in November 2020. The new centre is intended to be a leading global research hub focused on advanced telecommunications engineering that brings together the physical and virtual worlds, enabling teleportation. In this presentation, the director of 6GIC Prof Rahim Tafazolli will explain the two research themes that the 6GIC will pursue: i) ambient information: a fusion of the physical and virtual worlds, powered by the integration of high-resolution sensing, geolocation and wireless technologies to enable a new level of digital services that link human senses with ambient and remote data; ii) ubiquitous coverage: making the digital divide a thing of the past by significantly improving coverage indoors, and using intelligent surfaces and researching satellite technology that makes exciting 6G services available everywhere.