讲座名称:Robust Remaindering for Real Numbers and Its Applications in Mod Sampling
讲座人:夏香根 教授
讲座地点:腾讯会议直播(会议 ID:289 715 028)
夏香根现任美国特拉华州纽瓦克市特拉华大学电气与计算机工程系 Charles Black Evans 教授。夏博士于2009-2011年任清华大学Kumar's讲席教授组教授(客座),WCU讲席教授(客座),全北国立大学,2009-2013年。1997年获美国国家科学基金会(NSF)教员早期职业发展(CAREER)计划奖,1998年获美国海军研究办公室(ONR)青年研究员奖,国家自然科学基金杰出海外青年研究员奖2001年,2019年中国电子学会信息论学会信息论杰出海外华人科学家奖。他是 IEEE Fellow。他目前的研究兴趣包括空时编码、MIMO 和OFDM 系统、数字信号处理以及SAR 和ISAR 成像。他是《符号间干扰信道调制编码》一书的作者(纽约,Marcel Dekker,2000年)。
A large integer can be reconstructed from its several much smaller remainders and Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) provides a solution. However, it is well-known that CRT is not robust in the sense that a small error in a remainder may cause a large error in the reconstruction. We have studied robust CRT in the last decade such that a large integer can be robustly reconstructed from its erroneous remainders as long as the errors in the remainders are not too large. In this talk, I will briefly talk about the robust CRT not only for large integer reconstructions but also for large real number reconstructions from erroneous remainders. We then briefly introduce its applications in mod sampling, where a signal is reconstructed from its mod samplings. It is related to unlimited sampling.