讲座名称:【西电90周年校庆海外校友学术论坛】AI for Smart Medicine
讲座人:王飞 副教授
讲座地点:Zoom直播(ID:987 260 7011 密码:1868)
当前的主要研究方向为人工智能与智慧医学。他已在相关领域的顶级会议及期刊上发表了超过250篇文章,包括ICML, KDD, NIPS, CVPR, AAAI, IJCAI, JAMA Internal Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, Lancet Digital Health等等。他的文章已经收到了超过17,000次引用,他当前的H指数为64。王飞及其指导的学生的论文已经获得8次国际会议(包括数据挖掘及医学信息学)的最佳论文相关奖项,带领的学生队伍曾获得2016年PPMI帕金森病亚型发现以及2017年NIPS基因变异分类国际数据分析大赛冠军。
Artificial intelligence has emerged as a promising technique for helping with healthcare from various aspects such as disease diagnostics and prognostics, personalized treatment and management, therapeutics research and development, disease surveillance and public health policy making, etc. At the same time, AI tech giants, such as IBM and Google are all suffering on their medicine and healthcare business. In this talk, with my own research and experience, I will introduce the promise and state-of-the-art on AI for smart medicine, as well as the pitfalls and challenges. I will also point out the future of smart medicine and how AI can help in appropriate ways.
主办单位:西电美国校友会 西电加拿大校友会 西电澳新校友会 西电英国校友会