讲座名称:【“国际化能力提升计划”系列讲座】The UK and the USA, Aspects of Their Culture and the Differences between Them
讲座人:Tony Pearson教授
线上:腾讯会议直播(ID:545 417 349)
Tony Pearson 曾连续17年担任英国莱斯特大学国际办公室和国际项目主任,擅长课程开发,尤其是英语、学士预科和硕士预科以及大学合作课程。他本科攻读法律专业,硕士研究生攻读历史专业。他曾到世界多地游历,尤其是东亚国家,也曾数次访问美国,拥有丰富的跨文化课程教学经验。他现已退休并居住在威尔士。他于2011年首次访问西电,基本每年都会来访我校讲授课程或开设国际关系等方面的主题讲座。
The UK and the USA have both been leading nations in the world, the UK in the 19th century until the early 20th century when the USA became the dominant force. Tony Pearson is British and explores the similarities and the increasing differences between the two. He is fascinated by the way in which the two countries have diverged but maintain a “special relationship” that is far more important to the UK than to the USA. He explores the roles of post-Brexit Britain and post-Trump America, and where they may be headed post-Covid. The position of the EU is very relevant to this review and China is used throughout as a familiar reference point for his audience.